

Probably the most comprehensive and best quality KSS care case on the market.

The most important information for the "ambulant" monitoring of water of mixed cooling lubricants in a BOX.

profluid® KSS-Checkbox

Cooling lubricant Care made easy

Does it smell musty next to your machine? Does it stink as soon as the cooling lubricant pump starts up? Are the guideways or the products rusting?
Do you or colleagues have skin problems? Does the machine foam? Is the BG interested?*

Poorly maintained water-mixed KSS can do all that

but it's in your hand.

With our products you recognize problems, and grasp them.

solve them before things get serious. 

1 hour machine breakdown 150€

1 sick day due to inability to work 300€

1 extra machine cleaning 300€

in total 750€

More than our KSS tools for one year on 10 machines!

*This list does not claim to be complete!

The KSS - Checkbox is the sum of our innovations

The following products are combined in the KSS checkbox: 

          profluid® KSS Kombitest (100 Tests) 

          Regular cooling lubricant monitoring in accordance with TRGS 611 and sound treatment of the water-mixed cooling lubricants considerably reduces operating costs and helps prevent occupational illnesses.

          Der KSS-Kombitest misst Nitritgehalt, Wasserhärte und pH-Wert in Kühlschmierstoffen mit nur einem Teststäbchen.

          Odoo • Image and Text

          hand refractometer

          Water-mixed cleaners or cooling lubricants can deliver perfect results, but only if the concentration is right.

          Handheld refractometers are the simplest measuring instrument for determining the concentration of water-mixed coolants and cleaning agents.

          Profluid® CorrSet Tests

          Corrosion on steel, grey cast iron or machine parts and products?

          Profluid® CorrSet is a simplified grey cast iron swarf test

          based on DIN 51360-2 for the monitoring of the

          Corrosion protection properties of water-mixed KSS in 2h.

          profluid® CorrSet

          Dipslides for the determination of germs and yeasts or fungal germs

          Perform the control yourself: 

          Is your KSS infected with fungi or bacteria?

          When it stinks, it´s often too late for countermeasures.

          For the easy self-performable microbiological Hygiene control

          and monitoring of liquids or Surfaces. Back to back

          on a strap sits a pale yellow Caso agar culture medium

          for the total bacterial count Bacteria with a pink Rose Bengal

            with a pink rose Bengal nutrient soil for fungi and yeasts.

          profluid®KSS Management

          A good documentation and a good routine are the

          The key to success in handling cooling lubricants.

          profluid® KSS-Checkbox

            • The small original raaco® box offers space for samples and tools;

            • easy to clean, smooth surfaces - no foam inserts that get dirty quickly;

            • stable, stable and stackable;

            • no foam insert - less dust and dirt 


              • 15 pipettes for refractometer and CorrSet, 5 clean sample bottles for shipment to the laboratory1 felt-tip pen, 1 ballpoint pen, 1 small pair of scissors;

              In short, our profluid® KSS checkbox contains all the tools you need for fast cooling lubricant maintenance, neatly arranged, stable and neatly packed in the original raaco® Compact 20 box made of polypropylene.

              The individual parts can be reordered.

              raaco® registered trademark of raaco AS Denmark;

              profluid® geschütztes Markenzeichen der profluid GmbH, Deutschland;

              500+ companies in operation benfit from professional cooling lubricant maintance.

              Start today, reduce operating costs and increase productivity.