profluid® analytical rapid tests

Profit from our many years of experience
We know our way around the analysis of cooling lubricants, coolants and cleaners.

Our analytical products are specially designed for self-monitoring and are based on many years of experience with the analysis of cooling lubricants, coolants, cleaners, lubricants and materials and machining and KSS monitoring

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The profluid®KSS Kombi Test =

Economic self-monitoring of

water-mixed metal working fluids with 3in1 test strips.

Test sticks.

With the KSS Combi Test you measure nitrite content, water hardness and pH value in cooling lubricants with only one test strip.

The profluid®CorrSet

Corrosion by 

Water-mixed cooling lubricants 

quickly, easily and efficiently.

Test your water-mixed cooling lubricants with the profluid CorrSet and avoid corrosion on steel and grey cast iron parts of your machines. Avoid costs caused by the wrong use of cleaner or coolant media.

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profluid® KSS checkbox

The profluid® checkbox - 

The case for the practitioner 

All 7 parameters at a glance.

Everything that is important for ambulant coolant care and monitoring, in one box.

- KSS combined test for nitrite, pH and water hardness
- Corrset (corrosion test according to DIN51360-2)
- Dipslides for the determination of fungi or bacteria
- ATC refractometer (copper body)
- Raaco Tool Box
- USB stick with profluid®KSS management.

Enough space to store all samples without the need for
dirt-prone foam insert.

Grey cast iron chips for corrosion test.

standard according to DIN51360-2

The test to effectively prevent corrosion on iron and steel products, tools and machines. With grey cast iron chips, the corrosion protection properties of water-mixed cooling lubricants (KSS), cleaners, cooling and quenching media can be precisely tested.

Grey cast iron chips DIN 51360-2

Dips slides for microbiological monitoring

Dips slides are suitable for monitoring and control of liquids, surfaces and powdery substances. The relative content of fungi and germs can be determined by means of the 2 nutrient media which are visually distinguished as "pink"agar media and "yellowish"agar media.

available in units of 20 pcs or 10 pcs.

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Special price

Hand refractometer with temperature compensation for water-mixed cooling lubricants
Base material copper, measuring range 0-20 °Brix
Price: 40,00 € plus 19% VAT

Discover more

Educational package for educational and training institutions: 30% discount on all analysis articles

Unlimited offer for these facilities: Sample boxes with 25 KSS test strips