Metering Pumps - Car Wash
For a smooth car wash
If you love your car, you dose it right - even if you clean it by hand!
Car Wash
Anyway, in a car wash, car washing portal with high pressure cleaners or manual car washing, the key for a shining car is the optimal blend of water/cleaner. A well designed blending systems with our sturdy pumps will not let you down.
The installation of a high quality metering pump will upgraded existing systems, and result in reliable results with low cleaner consumption.
Our systems tolerate pressure fluctuations, which commonly appear at wash portals. Pump housing and seals are tolerant to cleaners, solvents and desinfection agents.
You may chose between hydrodynamic driven pumps from Dosatron and high precision metering pumps of Iwaki, Etatron ..., which are offered standalone or as part of customized metering modules with low space requirement.
Keep the foam, where it has to be!
Our wide range will fullfill your needs.